Dear Fellow American,

Over the past few months, the extremism of the political Left’s agenda has become clear through the actions of the mainstream media and Big Tech companies like Twitter and Amazon. Together, these forces are working to suppress conservative speech and political activity, denying First Amendment rights to their political opponents—and denying access to conservative opinion and important news stories to the American people. Conservatives (including the former President of the United States) are increasingly being “de-platformed” by companies like Twitter. Amazon is refusing to sell books questioning the transgender revolution—and recently, it took down an award-winning documentary video on the life of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas! A major publishing company, Simon and Schuster, recently bowed to pressure and canceled plans to publish a book on the danger of Big Tech by U.S. Senator Josh Hawley.

We have never seen anything like what we are seeing today in America. That’s why I am asking you to take a Hillsdale College NATIONAL SURVEY ON THE THREAT OF BIG TECH.

By completing this survey, you will help us more clearly understand the views of mainstream Americans on this critical issue—information that will strengthen Hillsdale’s nationwide educational outreach efforts on behalf of liberty…efforts we will continue to expand despite the opposition of Big Tech. Fellow American, you can complete the NATIONAL SURVEY ON THE THREAT OF BIG TECH by using the link below:

In the late 1960s, radicals who scorned America and its founding principles began moving into our colleges and universities. It took them several decades to cement their dominance, but we see the fruits of their labors today: we see it in the media, and we see it in Silicon Valley. We also see it in professional sports, in corporate America—much of which is now capitulating to far-Left demands—and increasingly, we see it in K-12 education.

You and I know that liberty in America is under serious threat. But as I travel around the country, I always tell people there is a way to fight this threat, despite how uphill the fight may seem.

A vital part of the fight—and one in which Hillsdale College is uniquely able to lead—is to reach and teach additional millions of citizens with the TRUTH about America’s great heritage of liberty.  As you might know, Hillsdale College is almost unique in American higher education in its refusal to accept EVEN ONE PENNY of government funding—not even indirectly in the form of federal or state student grants and loans.

This independence frees the College from burdensome and corrupting government regulation. But it also means that our work is entirely dependent on the generous support of private citizens, like you, who understand the importance of education to liberty.

If you agree that we are now seeing an unprecedented assault on the American way of life, I hope you will partner with Hillsdale College by making a generous tax-deductible gift today. You can easily do so after completing the attached NATIONAL SURVEY ON THE THREAT OF BIG TECH, which you can access at this secure link:

Thank you for your time and attention. I look forward to receiving your completed survey, and I deeply appreciate your support of Hillsdale’s educational outreach efforts on behalf of liberty.

Warm regards,

Larry P. Arnn

President, Hillsdale College

Pursuing Truth and Defending Liberty Since 1844

P.S. America is at a point where the far-Left, with the help of its media and Big Tech allies, is openly suppressing conservative speech and political activity, denying First Amendment rights to their political opponents—and denying access to conservative opinion and important news stories to the American people. Please help Hillsdale College more clearly understand the views of mainstream Americans on this issue by completing the NATIONAL SURVEY ON THE THREAT OF BIG TECH using the secure link I’ve provided for you below:

Your answers will help strengthen our educational outreach efforts that reach and teach millions of Americans about our nation’s great heritage of liberty—and about the duty of each generation to defend liberty and pass it on to their children and grandchildren.

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