When Healing Sickness Became Managed Sickness, For Profit
I spoke with a doctor recently who knew quite a bit about how the medical industry was coerced into promoting synthetic and petrochemical medicines. He mentioned the "Flexner Report." I am very familiar with the Flexner Report.....America got sicker! I would...
Miss mRNA and Fried Chicken!
https://respiratory-therapy.com/products-treatment/pharmaceuticals/clinical-trials/fda-oks-phase-1-trial-mrna-vaccine-h5n1-avian-flu/ During my podcast with Attorney Todd Richardson, Dr. Thomas Siler, and Dr Richard Eggleston who are embroiled in litigation for...
“Trump’s Unfinished Business” by Pastor Steve Cioccolanti
**A personal note: I think that if you want to have a clue or two about what GOD is doing, keep your eyes on Israel** I went to El Shaddai Ministries yesterday not remembering that Pastor Steve Cioccolanti was a guest. I became familiar with Pastor Cioccolanti...
“For GOD So Loved The World” that He allowed us to destroy it
Just like the Covid lunacy that would not allow opposing sciences to be heard, the same is true concerning climate change. The folks who have the biggest microphone spread the biggest fabrications. I watched a documentary presented by the Heartland Institute...
“Parental Rights” What’s That?
https://vimeo.com/1054206240 Olympia pushing New Legislation to Strip Parental Rights......
News and Opinion
When Healing Sickness Became Managed Sickness, For Profit
I spoke with a doctor recently who knew quite a bit about how the medical industry was coerced into promoting synthetic and petrochemical medicines. He mentioned the "Flexner Report." I am very familiar with the Flexner Report.....America got sicker! I would...
Miss mRNA and Fried Chicken!
https://respiratory-therapy.com/products-treatment/pharmaceuticals/clinical-trials/fda-oks-phase-1-trial-mrna-vaccine-h5n1-avian-flu/ During my podcast with Attorney Todd Richardson, Dr. Thomas Siler, and Dr Richard Eggleston who are embroiled in litigation for...
“Trump’s Unfinished Business” by Pastor Steve Cioccolanti
**A personal note: I think that if you want to have a clue or two about what GOD is doing, keep your eyes on Israel** I went to El Shaddai Ministries yesterday not remembering that Pastor Steve Cioccolanti was a guest. I became familiar with Pastor Cioccolanti...
“For GOD So Loved The World” that He allowed us to destroy it
Just like the Covid lunacy that would not allow opposing sciences to be heard, the same is true concerning climate change. The folks who have the biggest microphone spread the biggest fabrications. I watched a documentary presented by the Heartland Institute...
“Parental Rights” What’s That?
https://vimeo.com/1054206240 Olympia pushing New Legislation to Strip Parental Rights......
Thoughts on the Bible
Dr. Dinah Dye knows a thing or two about the Temple in Eden
I visited the Washington State Capital (Olympia) building yesterday for the first time. I had never actually toured the structure until yesterday. As I walked through the building the marbled walls and floors with all of the many ornate statues and figurines were...
Iranian Caliphate & Tisha B AV (?)
The following is meant for the Christian community that does not know this! This is easier to do when we return the scriptures back to the writers and not the western translators. Concerning Israel: We know the story: When Moses sent out the 12 spies to scout out...
Consider The Coming Wars
I am posting the following but do not neccessarily follow the information as an absolute. Although, I get what is presented in both YOU TUBE presentations The events happening in the land of Israel would not be happening if there was no Israel. If Israel had never...
Sukkot, End Time Par-Tay!
Because I study the historicity of the biblical account and do everything that I can think of to place myself into the various cultures of the writers it is always fun to discover stuff! Last week while sitting in our Shabbat Service in Gig Harbor it occurred to me...
The Kingdom Under Construction (If You Have Eyes to See)
I was thinking, what if GOD did not exist after all? I mean, think of all the gods of ancient mythology. Well, those ancient worlds don't exist today, where did their gods run off to? I was contemplating, if no GOD, what turns the course of mankind around? Judging...
Why in the world do another website?
From Christianity to Messianic, from Hebrew Roots to Judaism, getting a bit dizzy yet?
The experience I had in 2007 amounts to really one thing. My so-called salvation on October 6, 1977 is actually activation into service for the guiding principles spelled out in biblical literature. It took me years to get here. Nevertheless, America is my country, the GOD of Israel is my fortress! This amazing life granted to me is one of function and purpose. We are to be a light in the darkness, strength for the weak, and warriors for God’s Kingdom.
I have realized to live in fear of death is a bit different than living for truth! Truth never dies!
When I began digging through history whether political, biblical or just out of curiosity, I learned mankind has been fighting for freedom throughout the centuries.
This is very much our current reality and “Our Turn” to do what millions before us have had to do, fight oppression, tyranny, and injustice.
I decided not to use a religious denomination as a foundation, but rather, the obligations represented in covenant language following the GOD of Israel as my calling. I am a fearless citizen of “THY KINGDOM COME” committed and strengthened by my King and His statutes, commandments, and laws protecting life.
I am a political warrior as was virtually every patriarch of biblical history and a warrior for justice, liberty, and truth.
I am a product of freedom serving within the United States of America for such a time as this…..
This website is asking you to do the same thing. To be civically-minded, politically engaged, and to take back the land…..
Free From Fear!
Jeff S. Morton