The folks who support Critical Race Theory are racists….the world has flipped? Thanks Christopher Rufo for being a voice of common sense against this new lunacy!


A policy and communications guide for parents, schools, and policy leaders.

I’m proud to announce the Critical Race Theory Briefing Book, a policy and communications guide for families, schools, candidates, and legislators.

In recent months, I’ve advised hundreds of leaders across the country, from local school board candidates to members of the United States House and Senate. I’ve distilled down my advice into this briefing book, which contains definitions, quotations, stories, language, and model policies—everything you need to fight critical race theory in American institutions.

Right now, we have enormous momentum on this issue. But in order to turn this sentiment into victory, we need to build a persuasive argument to the public and implement smart policies at every level of government. I hope this guidebook will help thousands of leaders learn about critical race theory, explain it to their constituents, and abolish it from American public life.


Critical race theory is an academic discipline that holds that the United States is a nation founded on white supremacy and oppression, and that these forces are still at the root of our society. Critical race theorists believe that American institutions, such as the Constitution and legal system, preach freedom and equality, but are mere “camouflages” for naked racial domination. They believe that racism is a constant, universal condition: it simply becomes more subtle, sophisticated, and insidious over the course of history. In simple terms, critical race theory reformulates the old Marxist dichotomy of oppressor and oppressed, replacing the class categories of bourgeoisie and proletariat with the identity categories of White and Black. But the basic conclusion is the same: in order to liberate man, society must be fundamentally transformed through moral, economic, and political revolution.







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