I received the following email yesterday and am gleefully posting having asked permission to do so!

Hot News – Legal Right for ANYONE to Decline Vaccination

Washington Civil Rights Council (WCRC) supports your God-given right to bodily sovereignty and so does the LAW. WCRC is now in position to help you push back if you have been wrongfully terminated, put on leave, or are being threatened with job loss. In this Town Hall Audio Clip from November 20th, Lawyer Luis Ewing discusses the new STOP VACCINATION PAPERWORK he has created to fight job loss and educates about what’s really going on when it comes to the law. Click to download the audio recording, which is low volume so you may find the audio recording transcript helpful as well. Email questions to wcrc@protonmail.com

Please consider donating to WCRC to help us share this crucial information throughout the state of Washington.


Take Meaningful Legal Action

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A lot of people are facing situations heretofore unimaginable – being callously fired, being denied religious accommodations or threatened with termination. Whether you are facing workplace stress, have experienced a financial setback, or mainly dedicated to seeing justice prevail, you can take meaningful legal action through our Wrongful Termination Legal Action Program.

The first step to any lawsuit is proper notice to the respondent, both sides in a legal dispute must have the opportunity to defend themselves or take steps to correct the injustice. Our process is to skip the courtesies and get down to the core issue upfront – the absolutely egregiously unlawful action of forcing anyone to inject anything into their bloodstream against their will. Our legal letters prepared by Lawyer Ewing include a comprehensive Memorandum of Law with your legal argument presented upfront. (Typically, lawyers send short initial notices to engage the other side and save the full legal arguments and legal research for later if they have to go to court, and then charge a lot more money).

Why do we take this approach? it saves you a of time and it puts the employer on notice you are not playing games, putting you into best position for a successful outcome.

The WCRC Legal Action Program is always Pro Se and donation-based to allow anyone access to justice. Three types of letters are available (1) Request for Reinstatement (2) Request for Severance Pay (3) Stop Termination due to Covid mandates. Please get in touch with us if you are interested – wcrc@protonmail.com

America Is Pushing Back!

Let us not forget that we are part of a larger nation, the United States of America. We may feel isolated here in the northwest corner of the country–in a state with the strictest Covid restrictions in spite of having one of the lowest Covid rates in the nation. Here in Washington the Covid agenda rages on: Inslee pursuing the OSHA standard, recommending boosters, and releasing WA Verify (QR code phone app to prove vax status). But elsewhere in the country, courts are upholding law and knocking down mandates similar to those we face here. Let’s borrow their common sense to question our conditions.

Private Employer mandate: The Federal OSHA mandate (100+ employees) was suspended by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. Final outcome will be decided in the next few weeks by the 6th Circuit. Some states (like WA) and private businesses are continuing implementation. Court document includes many useful arguments, calling the mandate “a one-size fits all sledgehammer that makes hardly any attempt to account for differences in workplaces.”

Mask Mandate, Vax ID, Schools: Robinson v Missouri Dept. of Health and Senior Services finds that the “unfettered opinion” of an unelected official cannot abolish representative government in the creation of public health laws. It notes that other states like Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania have recently come to the same conclusion.

Lack of authority, lack of evidence: State of Missouri (and 10 other states) v Biden orders an injunction to the federal health care worker order. Court document shoots down authority “delegated” to employer, notes the lack of evidence of effectiveness of the vaccine, and points out “that the mandate portends disaster for the health care industry.” Just today another federal decision blocked this mandate for all other states!

Industries take action:

Auto manufacturers Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis (Chrysler) have agreed to protect the United Auto Workers union members from mandatory vaccination as a condition of employment.

American Trucking Association filed a lawsuit earlier this month opposing Biden’s vaccine mandate for private businesses and warned the government regulation could further exacerbate the supply chain crisis. Other industry partners in the lawsuit include: Food Marketing Institute, the International Warehouse Logistics Association, the National Association of Convenience Stores, the National Retail Federation, the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors and the National Federation of Independent Business

BREAKING LOCAL NEWS: Suit Filed against WA State and King County Vax ID (12/1). Silent Majority Foundation files lawsuit against Inslee and King County Health Officer Jeff Duchin seeking to block Vax ID. The filing asserts that “defendants have no statutory or constitutional authority to create or enforce the requirements or prohibitions [of Vax ID]” and are “acting under color of state authority.” Help spread the word and let businesses know about the lawsuit!

March For Freedom continues

Our sixth consecutive Saturday in Seattle!

We’re getting our events posted on Children’s Health Defense website. Join us Saturday in Seattle (12/4) at 1:30 or catch us Livestreaming on CHD.tv. Link will be posted on our event listing on their website. The next best thing to being there!


Help us get our message across by adding this email address to your Contacts or mark as a Safe Sender!

An informed citizen is a lethal weapon!

Donate today to help more people stand up for the LAW throughout the State of Washington.


contact@marchforfreedomwa.com 10002 Aurora Ave N #36 PMB 673 Seattle, WA 98133 USA

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