The Power of the United States of America is….US!


A huge victory in the pushback against workplace mandates!

Federal Judge orders nationwide injunction.



Court injunctions are still under review but are likely to be upheld. In Washington state, we’re still seeing business enforcement. Let’s continue the push back by questioning the validity of ANY such mandate. Bring this news to your workplace.

Boeing Approves Exemptions

Word from our contacts at Boeing is that the aerospace giant has eased up on denying exemptions. Employees we’re in contact with are being approved (or still waiting to hear back). The compliance deadline has been extended to February 18, 2022.

It could be they are responding to the national push-back. Or it could be in response to internal strife at Boeing. Many who attended an early in-person meeting with HR recall mention of “an external advisory group that would be sharing in the religious exemption request evaluations.” One manager told us of heated arguments between three groups: Upper management, HR, and this “advisory group” over how stringently granting exemptions and accommodations should be implemented. Management was concerned that this advisory group was taking control and making decision in ways that would leave them on the hook when the chips were down. We’ve heard reports that our Constructive Notice rattled the cages of management, alertin them up to the ‘liability scheme’ they were caught in.

It’s possible that Boeing management woke up to the fact that no amount of federal relief money could cover the catastrophic consequences of losing a huge chunk of their specialized workforce at the same time (at least 11,000 exemption requests were turned in). Add to that the cost of settling wrongful terminations and adverse vaccine reaction lawsuits. With the court-ordered national injunction against the federal contractor mandate it is our hope that Boeing will completely end its jab mandate.

Help Promote Freedom

Please subscribe and share the new YouTube channel for March For Freedom:

March For Freedom WA

Let’s make this video go viral!


Luis Ewing shares insight into the legal help everyone needs to STOP vaccination at the workplace. Listen to the 12 minutes jam-packed with law and good information.

Enjoy a festive evening in Enumclaw

Or, as they call themselves: Free-numclaw. Since the city declared that it would not enforce Covid mandates on businesses many have found themselves the target of state enforcement for not forcing employees to wear masks.

WCRC is helping these businesses!

Let’s send these patriots some cheer this holiday season.

Friday nights (12/10 & 12/17):

Snow on Cole Street 5:00 to 5:30PM

Enjoy dinner at a restaurant such as:

Il Siciliano Ristorante Italiano

The Historic Mint Restaurant & Alehouse

The Rainier Bar & Grill

These business welcome ALL patrons

March For Freedom Update

Catch our livestream recording from our sixth march in Seattle (12/4) on

Join us this Saturday at 1:30

and 12/18 for our final march of the year.


The pushback will continue in 2022


Best parking is at Westlake Tower garage at 405 Olive Way for $7.

We don’t cancel for rain but will cancel for extreme weather or snow.

Thank you to everyone that has donated! We appreciate the support. Please consider donating to our cause using the Donate button at the website:

Just Click The Pics

LifeWave Patches


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