Keep My Commandments (Jurisprudence)

Obey My Statutes, My Commandments and My Laws (Jurisprudence)

The proper definition of how I see myself biblically:

Citizen of the Kingdom of GOD I have to learn the culture, I have to learn the history, I have to learn the instructions (Laws)

I have to understand the covenant structure of the Kingdom’s, legal system.

  • The covenant between David and Jonathon was a legal declaration
  • The covenant at Sinai was a legal declaration
  • The covenant between GOD and Noah was a legal declaration
  • The covenant between GOD and Adam was a legal declaration
  • The covenant between GOD and Abraham was a legal declaration

The death on the two sticks (Traditionally referred to as the cross) was a legal, binding renewal of the covenant broken at Sinai. Incidentally, no Jew would have celebrated the cross anywhere on the planet in the century depicted So when WE give the scriptures back to the authors and set aside the western interpretations…..the original biblical story is what you will discover.

The tree in that world was the connecting vehicle between the gods and the people.

In Ancient Israel this too, would have been understood.

I do not adhere to a religious demarcation of one who follows the Biblical account as an identifier

For those of you who do not understand Jeremiah 31:31-35 or Ezekiel 37:15-28 YOU WONT GET THIS POST

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