One Sunday morning my family and I arrived at church (Bible Temple-Vancouver, WA) only to be greeted at the door asking us to attend elsewhere? It was a moment that I will never forget.
The back story:
I started asking questions about why we don’t talk about what the Jewish people know concerning the books that they wrote? I would ask about the “Fesitival of the Lord, (Leviticus 23) or why we did not keep the calendar that GOD told Israel to follow, (Exodus 12.) Pastors would repeatedly get a bit agitated when I would show verses in the Bible that they could not explain. Here at Bible Temple, I had a set of DVD’s that Pastor Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries had produced. The pastorial staff refused to even watch the videos.
On this particular Sunday morning I was told that this church believed that GOD had replaced the Jewish teachings of the Bible with New Testament doctrine or the Gospels and that my family and I should find a different place to worship. We got back into our car and left.. Bible Temple in Vancouver was a satellite church of Bible Temple, Portland, Oregon where I was first baptized. As I drove away I was hurt and dismayed abit. I never attended their congregation again. We found another church to attend.
The new church was worse, even though full of very, very nice people!
Nevertheless, I would ask questions that visibly upset the pastor. He asked me to breakfast over the course of time. During this breakfast he said to me – AND I QUOTE, “Jeff, I am getting a bit concerned with your constant questions concerning all of the Jewish stuff. I am beginning to worry about your salvation.” I responded, ‘You teach the JEWISH STUFF every Sunday!’ He turned red with anger, I am not kidding!
It was in this church where I had an encounter with the LORD. I was encouraged to learn why Jesus was Jewish!. I met Mark Biltz 30 days later who made the following statement to me,
“You Have To Know Why Jesus Was Jewish!” My life changed that day.