For those who don’t know this:

I use my website to post things that are important to me. I am not trying to build content as much as I am journaling. I post news media that I enjoy and or businesses that I support.
I pay a monthly fee to maintain the site.

The Podcast is my way of presenting people who are doing things that are constructive and support common sense. I am a constitional conservatve in how I view my country.
I love history and embrace the entire Bible for perspective on why we are all here in the first place.
I do not attend Sunday churches for information and or continuity in how I believe in the account of EVERY book in the Bible . The Bible continues to reveal unlimited perspective on why WE exist; Tis fascinating beyond description!

I am not WOKE, Black Lives Matter or a Pronoun. I am an American Citizen who comes from mixed ethnicities raised in black communities….My mother was black and so too, was my father (but our ancestry was not always from African origin)
I think all races, ethnicites, and cultures are amazing when supportive of life and individual freedoms. I support our Republic and the framework from which it was born…..

Honestly, the most amazing thing going on in my life is that I will turn 65 years old in a few days. I had no idea that 65 would be no different than 40.

Nuff Said!

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