The following is meant for the Christian community that does not know this! This is easier to do when we return the scriptures back to the writers and not the western translators.

Concerning Israel:
We know the story:
When Moses sent out the 12 spies to scout out the land all but two gave a bad report. GOD CURSED THIS DAY.
The Ninth of AV ON HIS (YHVH) calendar or Tisha B AV is August 12/13th this year. (One day GOD promised to turn this day into a day of celebration)
With the looming threat of the Shiite Islamic Caliphate or better said, The Iranian leadership and the proxies that are aligned to these fanatics, who continue their assault on the “PLACE OF GOD’S PRESENCE” known as the land of Israel, consider the bigger picture!
I will say this until I have no breath in me, PAY ATTENTION TO EVENTS happening in the land of Israel…..
Consider too, this is the same place where GOD placed the two Cherebim, ie Jerusalem. Genesis 3:24
Remember, the prime minisiter of Persian and descendat of King Agag and descendant of the Amalekites..sought to wipe the Jewish people out of existence…..too!

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