During the forced Covid vaccinations, governmentally mandated upon the citizens of this planet, I was introduced to Dr. Bryan Ardis. I sought out folks who were offering information directly opposed to the vaccines. Several professionals were declaring the vaccines unsafe, and untested. Words like,”Gain of function, Spike Protein, and Mutation all caused me to consider the warning(s) against injecting an unknown concoction into our bodies. Millions upon millions of people took the, “Jab!” After listening to the information presented by Dr Christina Parks, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Simone Gold, Dr Peter McCullough, and countless others. I could not understand why opposing sciences were being silenced, globally. This was the catalyst for me to seek out answers as to why respectable doctors, scientists, and some rather brilliant minds were being shut down. I eventually came across Dr. Bryan Ardis.

Dr Ardis has written a book, “Moving Beyond The Covid Lies” I am currently waiting for his book to arrive. This is my attempt at promoting the book that I have yet to read but again, I trust Bryan Ardis and all of the folks listed above! Check it out.

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