About hypnotism


I spent time last night with Levi Swift Gann who decided to learn about hypnosis. Prior to meeting Levi, I understood that hypnosis is, among other things, about dipping into the subconscious.

Back in the days of stage 4 cancer I began the process of looking for alternative medicinal options. I started looking at everything, including hypnosis. The genesis from that time until now has presented to me reasons to challenge traditional thinking about how the body works, how deep rooted emotions (Trauma) affect health, and how natural vegetation, grown in dirt is where most medicines where born.

Levi has spent time, money, and effort not only learning about hypnosis but, dispelling a lot of traditional thinking born of ignorance and quite often religion.

I was impressed with his knowledge, the amount on people that he has helped especially with smoking and his commitment to investigate the sciences that are not strictly pharmaceutical in nature.

A few years ago Levi left a warehouse position after 21 years to pursue learning about hypnosis. What he now offers through his company (https://www.swifthypnosis.net/) are options that help people overcome areas in their lives where we are often stuck!

Levi has, in his home, a display case of cigarette packages, from the many folks that he has helped to quit smoking. I thought, what a novel way to represent success!

I can tell you one thing about Levi Gann for sure (Having sized him up, lol)…..He is a good, trustworthy, sincere, dude!

I am learning just how “Stuck” most of us are in one way or another in our perceptions about the world around us that do more harm than good.

Knowing Levi offers yet another reason to rethink some of the ill informed beliefs that we have. The body is amazing and so are most of the people experiencing life with us!

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