Dr. Dinah Dye with Eric Metaxas
I have compiled what I think are the main ways the cheating is happening in our elections. This is what the nation is up against. As depressing as this is…we simply cannot give up and throw in the towel. Do what you can do. Work the polls, educate your friends and family, bring 10 people to the polls etc..
Nearly 30 million evangelicals are not even registered to vote. Apparently hunters don’t vote much either. Voting is your right as an American citizen and a gift from the Founding Fathers.
This list is for educational purposes. I don’t want to hear how it’s all fruitless. Believe me I know what we are up against. I have been following closely.
Over time, we must work towards same day voting, with photo ID, done on paper ballots, with limited absentee ballots. Ballots must be numbered with a protective identifier and must not be printed on demand. We have a long way to go. I know. But this does not mean we give up without a fight.
Ways to cheat!
1.Mail in ballots – states often violated their own election laws with regards to postmarks and matching signatures.
2.Ballot harvesting by 3rd parties especially in old folks homes etc.
3.Illegal aliens – a large number have already registered to vote & have even voted. Ballots are being sent to illegal immigration centers courtesy of the US govt. For people who don’t know the language nor can they read.
4.Drop boxes are not being monitored with surveillance equipment which is leading to ballot stuffing (2000 mules)
5.Dirty voter rolls need to be cleaned up removing those who have died or have moved at the very least. For example, United Sovereign Americans (not to be confused with the sovereign citizen movement) has uncovered nearly 29 million voter registrations that need to be removed, explained, or adjudicated in 20 states.
6.Voting machines are the behemoth in the fraud department. The are connected to the internet, are easily manipulated, and can easily can switch vote totals and leave no digital footprint.
7.Albert sensors is a government intrusion detection system (Cyber and Intrusion security agency under the purview of DHS) that is connected to local precincts and which gives the government complete access to the machines all in the name of detecting hacking networks.
8.Massive registration of phantom voters. China has voter registration organizations set up in all 50 states. Geographical precinct maps are run by an American geographer working out of Wuhan U. GBI strategies is another entity working in swing states that is responsible for massive phantom voter registration. Voter addresses are often empty fields or businesses.
9.Executive order #14019 is using taxpayer money for a “get out the vote” engagement campaign.
10.USPS protocol changes: “USPS Delivering for America plan” actually exploits vulnerabilities in election mail system. Often mail-in-ballots are not even processed in time.
11.Massive censorship by Google/social Media which manipulates search results and suppresses info.
12.The Media Industrial complex’s endless cheerleading for one side in profoundly unfair ways. Theirs is an ongoing refusal to do actual journalism.
13.Corrupt judges who continue to rule against election lawsuits declaring plaintiffs have no standing.
14.Election day interruptions including power outages, water main leaks, cyber attacks, tabulator malfunctions such as the wrong paper size for the tabulators as witnessed in AZ
15.The Act Blue Smurf scam – a massive money laundering operation that likely has foreign money behind it. A person’s one time donation of a few dollars will be exploited to where it appears they donated 20,000 times.
16.DOD, State Dept. & USAID are paying billions in taxpayer funds to major ad agencies who then turn around and ban ads to independent, alternative news sites.
17.State SOS use the Albert sensors to dictate to the precincts what the vote tally is instead of the precincts determining the final count themselves and sending it back to the SOS office.
18.A host of foreign bad actors, hackers, cyber criminals.
I’m sure there are more. Please let us not give up on our country. Witness Venezuela. We don’t want that to happen here.