I went to Peru for a visit to this home for girls. We raised over $5000.00 a few years ago which I hand delivered to the home. Shortly before I left all of the girls took turns sharing with me what my visit meant to them. It was all I could do to not burst into tears! The girls and the home is in constant need of support. Perhaps those of you reading the following newsletters might consider a financial gift? I would love to return ♥

Imagine for a moment raising 20+ girls 


Our Story

In March of 2008, Restoring Hope International Foundation / Restoring Children International was birthed out of a great desire to provide a solution to Peru’s socially at-risk children. No singular organization is able to provide a response to all of the social ills that befall our world’s societies. But, we wanted to do our part in response to a request by an official who was working on behalf of at-risk children in the city of Arequipa. His request, 4 times in meeting with him, was that we open up a home for all female children – children who were rescued out of all sorts of negative circumstances.

At the time of this meeting, back in 2001, there simply were not enough facilities to care for this particular gender. Currently, privately funded homes like ours, constitute the vast majority of the existing Peruvian infrastructure that provide care for its rescued children. Without privately funded homes, Peru’s infrastructure for rescued children will simply collapse.

We do not seek to be an orphanage nor a shelter. Instead, we work hard to provide our rescued children and teens with a loving family environment. Here, they are provided an integral upbringing that involves love, emotional security, healing of their souls, health care, and to know that God has a special plan of love for their lives.

Thank you so much for helping our Children By Rick Daviscourt – President

Dear Friends,

In writing you today, I hope all of you are doing very well. I realize that most of you have been affected in one way or another by COVID. But, may our loving Lord and Creator cause all things to work together for the good in your lives! This past year has been an opportunity for all of mankind to draw near to Him, who greatly cares about each one of us.

As this current Roman calendar year of 2020 draws to an end, I want to thank all of you for helping to make this very difficult year a year of provision for our children down in Peru. For me, I was obviously concerned as to how our world’s pandemic was going to impact our home in Arequipa. But, many of you have responded to God’s prompting your heart to help His daughters (and Luigi too). By His divine provision through you, He has caused our home to continue on in the midst of so many uncertainties. Even your prayers have served greatly to help our home to advance in the storm. Thank you!

What I want to do in this newsletter is to focus on the good things that have been happening in the lives of our home and children since our last newsletter back in September – even as far back as July of this year.

God, indeed, has been very kind to us. He has shown us that His divine provision does not disappear even when our world is shaking under the weight of so many storms of life – those which have served to reshape the lives of so many of us, mine included.

Our girls and our Luigi continue to smile and find ways to continue to adjust to a pandemic lifestyle, just like you and your children or grandchildren have had to in your own cities and countries.

My prayer for you is that you and your families will enjoy a safe and healthy holiday season! And, thank you so much for taking the time to care about our kids. I realize that our children represent only a small percentage of the many millions of children and teens like them all around the world. But, none the less, the lives that God has placed into our hands are of great importance to Him.

May the Shalom and presence of our Messiah accompany you always!


October 2020
This month, our girls participated in a city-wide virtual dance contest with other children’s homes of our city of Arequipa. Normally, we have the activity in a civic or sports center in order to accommodate all the many children and staff in attendance. Additionally, we rent folkloric dress outfits that correspond to each different dance. However, due to COVID, the girls and staff all had to be more imaginative. Every participating home’s dance event was filmed and then submitted to the judges for review. And, in not being able to rent the dress outfits, our girls had to make their own costume dress. The kids all had black dress pants and white blouses, which are part of their school uniforms (blouses). Our staff found some other materials to purchase on the market. You can see what I mean in the above photo!They honestly danced so well and were so well synchronized that we were informed that we won the contest hands-down. However, due to the pandemic, the judges decided to keep the children, of the other homes, encouraged during these hard times. So now, the judges are spending some time trying to figure out how to accomplish this goal so that all the kids feel like winners in this contest. We think this is a very good idea, taking into account these difficult times in which all of our kids are now collectively living in.Normally, I would provide a link for you to see the video as to how well they danced. Honestly, it was very impressive. But for security reasons, I cannot post the video to YouTube (where the video would be linked to) as it would also link the event to our home as seen from the outside.
Early November 2020
We have been very blessed to receive a generous donation to purchase commercial grade sewing equipment for our home. We needed a sewing machine. But, we never imagined all this wonderful equipment would one day be ours!The purpose of this equipment is two-fold. First of all, it is to be used to teach our girls a trade which they can carry with them through-out their lives. Even if they should go on to study at college or some technical institute and subsequently be employed in their career path, they will have the sewing trade to fall back on. As many of you know, a college education does open up a world of opportunities for a person. But, it does not necessarily guarantee constant employment. Additionally, our societies are built upon the backs of our world’s trades people. So, this new shop of ours will give our girls a trade that they can fall back upon in hard times. Or, they may want to choose this technical field as their main pursuit in life.Secondly, it is our hope to use our new shop to begin to produce an income for our home. Already, we have received orders to produce sheets for hospital beds, surgical coverings, and even more! The above photos will show you the beginnings of our new endeavor.We have hired an instructor to teach our teens and any other individuals who are connected with our Peruvian family in Arequipa in one way or another. Let’s see where all this goes from here!
These two above photos show the new commercial grade baking equipment we received as a grant. The story is below. Also, below, is a photo of our kids taking a baking class on how to make desserts. This day, it was Alfajores, a popular bite-sized pastry with powdered sugar on top. Photo Below. I bet you can’t eat just one!

Late November 2020

We are so happy to announce that we received yet another donation. This time, it is for the purpose of establishing a commercial bread and dessert baking shop in our kitchen. Fortunately, our kitchen is large enough to handle the equipment! With this donation, we have been able to purchase a new commercial grade oven and other implements needed to establish this shop. This, coupled with other very nice food preparation tools plus pots and pans, which were gifted to us in the past, will give us a good start.

The purpose of this shop is just like the sewing shop in our home: To teach our girls how to produce breads and desserts. They, already, have been learning to make different breads and desserts on their own. We already have a small commercial oven that they have been taking the initiative to begin to learn with. The new oven we have been able to purchase incorporates moisture into the baking process in order to make the breads even much better. And, secondly, we may be able to generate at least a small income from our new teaching endeavor!

We want to give a special thank you to Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and his wife, Renata, of Hope of the World Ministries. In July of this year, they had sent us enough funding to be able to purchase food for our children all the way through to this month of December! Additionally, they have helped to contribute towards the purchase of a much-needed large new van for our family as we have already out-grown our little red one. We are so thankful to them for their kindness towards our children during this very difficult time of the international pandemic in which we are all living!

Their ministry has a special focus on disadvantaged people around our world in addition to helping our societies to spiritually understand our world’s context in these end times in which we live. Furthermore, Jonathan is a very prolific author and has been on the New York Times best seller list. His books are well worth your time to read. I am personally reading yet another one – “The Book of Mysteries”, which I am thoroughly enjoying. A friend of mine, coincidently, texted me just this morning to say that he is reading “The Oracle” which has totally grabbed his attention and wanted to recommend it to me.

Jonathan’s literary works will definitely hold your attention, give you more wisdom and insight into the affairs of our world, and provoke you to think. You may find them on Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble  and other venues for sale and even download. Additionally, his books are available for purchase in Español.

Please Help Us With Our Children

Our children enjoy the care, love, and safety that they receive because of people just like you. We do not have a large base of donors, as you may think. As such, we would like to invite you to join with us in order to assure a positive future for our kids – one that is filled with hopes and possibilities. With all the negativity that has fallen upon our children’s city and society due to COVID-19, let’s work together to give them hope – hope that they will continue to be raised in our home which they love very much. Let them wake-up every morning knowing that they will always have us as their family – that they will not have to return back to the negative lives they previously had before being placed with us. The vast majority of our children are permanent, such as this young teen.All of us can do something, even if it is just a little bit. These children are a wonderful investment – an investment that is full of so many great potentials to positively impact future generations.

By clicking here now on DONATE you may make an investment into the lives of our children as we enter into the New Year. Please consider how you may help them. Please see their great value as women who can positively influence their society, culture, country, and even our world.

Additionally, you can help us to get the word out to others. One way would be to share this newsletter with your friends and acquaintances. Then, there is always social media. You can help spread the word about our home and children this way. We are in Facebook as Restoring Children International. Another way would be to put me, Rick, into contact with someone, a business, civic organization, church, or synagogue, etc… that you could recommend us to. Networking. I am open to your ideas!

My contact information is: Rick Daviscourt / Tel: +1.509.845.4929 (USA) / rdaviscourt@rhintl.org or rdaviscourt@restoringchildren.org

Another option is that if you make purchases on Amazon.com, you can opt to have have part of the proceeds of your purchase amount go to the care of our children. This is through their smile.amazon.com program. We are registered with them as Restoring Hope International Foundation. If enough people participate in this, it will indeed help us. I make my Amazon purchases through this program. Please consider to check them out. This is the same Amazon that you may be familiar with. You may get signed-up at https://smile.amazon.com/


So, how about it? Let’s work together so that these special children can realize their hopes and dreams!

Restoring Hope International Foundation / Restoring Children International is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization as registered with the IRS and the State of Washington. EIN: 26-2265149

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