by Jeff Morton | Jan 5, 2021 | Jeff Morton, News and Opinion
I really don’t know how to tell the world that we are being conditioned to surrender! Too many people are following the commandments that will ultimately walk you right into the gas chambers….Perhaps? Oh, and put this stuff into your arm and you will live...
by Jeff Morton | Jan 4, 2021 | News and Opinion
All of my children were born in Portland. I have disdain for the leadership in Portland (and Oregon, across the board). What has happened in Portland is...
by Jeff Morton | Jan 3, 2021 | Biblical, Mark & Angie Powell
The Catholic/Christian dynamic of the account concerning Noah’s Ark is actually another “Wrong Turn” away from imperical evidence, largely ignored from the pulpits! As I study the ANE [Ancient Near East] historical and cultural realities offer a more...