This new Prager U Video features a Tucker Carlson interview with Naomi Wolf, and Dennis Prager warning about the current “culture shock” of unprecedented emergency orders due to coronavirus. Their message to Americans is that no one gives up “emergency powers” willingly, so people need to wake up to the totalitarian transformation taking place before it’s too late to fight back. – VIDEO

Please listen to Naomi Wolf short interview above with Tucker Carlson warning us against the fast emerging This new Prager U Video features a Tucker Carlson interview with Naomi Wolf, and Dennis Prager warning about the current “culture shock” of unprecedented emergency orders due to coronavirus. Their message to Americans is that no one gives up “emergency powers” willingly, so people need to wake up to the totalitarian transformation taking place before it’s too late to fight back. on a daily basis. Ms. Wolf is a liberal and served as ex- Clinton advisor.

Naomi Wolf Video: The Constitution Isn’t Suspended Because of a Pandemic. Author tells ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ – Americans must wake up before it is ‘too dangerous to fight back‘ Unprecedented emergency orders, bigger government and fascism.




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