Lite refreshments will be on hand

For the local folks:

Hello Everyone,
I would like to invite all of you to a screening of Larry Elder’s Uncle Tom Documentary.
The screening will be held at Myers Road Baptist Church in Bonney Lake, WA Click Here
Will will start the movie at 7:00 PM with guests arriving beginning at 6:00 PM
The date: Saturday April 24th
I have a plethora of reasons for wanting to do this. To list them here would be ridiculous!
I have lived the documentary all of my adult life primarily in white communities. I see myself as an American first and one of the many people represented in the documentary.
The Republican Party, both nationally and here in Washington State does not recognize the folks in the documentary. Nor is there a cohesive attempt to bring the ethnic conservative community together.
I am hoping, praying somehow, to get rid of the systemic ignorance concerning ethnic conservatism within local politics. The change has to happen here.
The documentary offers, in my opinion, a starting point!
I do not know how to do most of this but, I do know how to do something!
The seating capacity is 80 chairs. You need to confirm if you plan to attend.
Please respond to the email below
Thanks so much

Politicians and Pastors will be recognized

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Doing absolutely nothing means, absolutely nothing is getting done!

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