I went to Peru to visit this home for girls, I also support the home (Not as much as I would like to). I hope you will read this and perhaps offer a bit of income to the home, Thank You ♥

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Our Story

In March of 2008, Restoring Hope International Foundation / Restoring Children International was birthed out of a great desire to provide a solution to Peru’s socially at-risk children. No singular organization is able to provide a response to all of the social ills that befall our world’s societies. But, we wanted to do our part in response to a request by an official who was working on behalf of at-risk children in the city of Arequipa. His request, 4 times in meeting with him, was that we open up a home for all female children – children who were rescued out of all sorts of negative circumstances.

At the time of this meeting, back in 2001, there simply were not enough facilities to care for this particular gender. Currently, privately funded homes like ours constitute the vast majority of the existing Peruvian infrastructure that provides care for its rescued children. Without privately funded homes, Peru’s infrastructure for rescued children will simply collapse.

We do not seek to be an orphanage nor a shelter. Instead, we work hard to provide our rescued children and teens with a loving family environment. Here, they are provided an integral upbringing that involves love, emotional security, healing of their souls, health care, and knowing that God has a special plan of love for their lives.

Rick Daviscourt and Sonia
To all of you, our friends:
I sincerely hope that each one of you is doing well. I know that this last year has been hard for many of you. But, so many of you have looked beyond yourselves and have continued to invest in our children down in Peru – even if all you could do was simply pray to our Lord on their behalf. Thank you so much for all the personal effort and sacrifice of your time and resources on behalf of our kids in the city of Arequipa!It is time to return back to Peru after being gone for 11 months due to the Pandemic. I am tired of being papá only via Skype. I miss my home and spiritual family as they also miss me. COVID has changed all of our lives. But we all must figure out how to go on and not let the negativity of our world conquer us and our pre-determined life’s path.Thank you for your love, support, prayers, and encouragement towards not only me, but also towards my wife, our staff, board of directors, and – above all, to our children in Arequipa down through the years!Sincerely,
Rick Daviscourt
President and Cofounder

Our Family and COVID in Peru

One of our imaginative teens!

COVID and CORONA are two words that I think we all wish we could eliminate from our vocabulary.

For our children in Peru, it has impacted their lives, even though they always endeavor to keep a positive attitude in the midst of it all. Peru, like other poor countries, has found itself basically down the line of awaiting nations who are hoping for the arrival of some sort of vaccine. Some vaccines have been arriving, like drops of water falling from the sky – and yet not a real rainfall. Just drops, here and there. However, I just received news from the United States Embassy in Peru that a new national vaccine strategy has been announced. This will be for vaccinating populations by district and province by age group. This plan will take effect on April 16th, 2021.

Peru has not been enjoying much in the form of good news about the spread of COVID. It continues to spread, like cancer. The reasons are complex. The answers to the problem can be overly simplistic to those who do not understand the Peruvian social context. As a result, Peru is under different restrictions, including mandated curfews and even quarantines, such as what was implemented during the last 4 days of Holy Week.

For children around the world, being couped-up at home is not good for them. Children and teens need social interaction which is a very important part of their personal development. Our Creator never designed mankind to be islands unto themselves. That is why solitary confinement is a terrible, but effective punishment in our world’s prison systems. While our girls do have one another, they still feel the stress of limited social contact with the outside world.

The infection rate for COVID is still very high in Peru. In Arequipa, there is a lack of oxygen for the hospitals. People in Arequipa, who we personally know, have either died or are recently sick in our city. We have to be very cautious and protective of all of our kids, to the best of our ability. So, what are we doing to help them through all of this? We continue to endeavor to make life as fun as possible for them.

For many of us here, in the USA, life seems somewhat normal – somewhat. But for our kids and the citizens of Arequipa and even other parts of Peru, not so much.

With that in mind, I wanted to share with you some photos of fun events our staff have put on for the kids for special fun days. One day, our staff conducted a series of fun, games, and a BBQ at our home. Another day, a trip to the Rio Chili including swimming in the River and aerobics. Right now, we are trying to program a trip to the zoo, if they will let all of our kids and staff in. Another day, they all went to a lake way out of town. And, additionally, the girls continue to learn the sewing and baking business! I will let the below photos speak for themselves for you 🙂

Us and the Yukon Men

You may want to know what they have to do with us. A lot, in many ways. Let me explain.

My wife, Mary, and I will spend the last hour and a half of our night together watching programs centered around rural living. We really enjoy the ones focusing on Alaska as we and our children lived up in that beautiful State for a short while. For our children, it was a great disappointment when we had to move back due to losing my job up there. Mary and I would have preferred to stay also.

The Yukon Men show has to do with what it takes to be able to live and survive in the harsh and cold climate and environmental conditions in the town of Tanana (250 people) located West – Northwest of Fairbanks, Alaska. Tanana, located on the Yukon River was originally accessible only by boat or plane.

In order to survive through the harsh and long winter season, the citizens of this small native village had to not only be able to live in those rugged conditions but also work long and hard to bring in sufficient catches of salmon, eel, other fish, plus have successful hunts for moose, caribou, bear, and whatever other type of “palatable” meat they could hunt.

The great thrust of their efforts to store enough food is carried out once the “Break-up” begins to take place. This is when the snow and ice begin to thaw and the river ice breaks up. This gives them a period of only several months to make sure that their storage areas have enough food for their families. Not only their families but also for the elders (the elderly) of their community that are no longer able to gather food for themselves. Here, everyone looks out for each other. During the winter season, when the cold snow has blanketed their very rural environment, Tanana’s residents would head out to their designated (claimed) hunting grounds. Each family has its own fur trapping and fishing grounds. This is done so that everyone respects each other’s efforts for hunting and gathering without taking from others what belongs to them and their families. This is their life, handed down to them through many generations.

This lifestyle is one that does not let you rest and take ease in life. The residents of Tanana must work proactively to keep their eyes always on the horizon of the upcoming seasons of adverse weather. Additionally, they constantly face changing migratory paths of the different animals they hope to successfully hunt. They face dwindling salmon runs. They faced a devastating forest fire that destroyed their hunting grounds. They constantly face adversity. And, yet, they find a way to survive and to continue on in life.

While there is so much to say, what caught my attention to this program, found on the Discovery Channel, is how very much their story correlates to my story.

Our organization, Restoring Children International, has a home full of children down in Arequipa, Peru, as you already know. Ours is a family comprised of children who have faced way too much adversity in their young lives. Ours is a family where our children have found refuge, good nutrition, safety, warmth, love – all that they did not have before. But, humanly speaking, our children – just like those who live in Tanana, are still very vulnerable and at-risk if we, as an organization, are not successful in finding the needed funding and other resources needed to keep their home in operation well into the future. So for us, simply having money in the bank, is not a reason to sit back and relax. We don’t have much anyway – but only enough to get by for a short season. Funding, just like stored salmon, caribou, moose, and other meats, is consumed and quickly gone – as is the case in Tanana. Unless the heads of families in that village work proactively, with determination, focus, and purpose, their lives and futures in Tanana will quickly come to an end. Then what? What about their children, their futures, their hopes?

So it is with us as we work with much dedication, purpose, focus, and determination on behalf of our family of rescued girls in Peru. Just as in Tanana, whose residents have faced changes in climate, changes of migratory paths of the animals they need to hunt and trap, ruined salmon runs, etc…, so we, too, are in the midst of some serious challenges in an ever-changing world. These changes are brought on by COVID. And we can only guess whatever else is affecting our ability to find sufficient resources that we need to have stored up for the continuance of our home for rescued female children.

So, is our ship sinking? No! Not at all. Above all, I wish to declare that God has always been faithful to us over the many years that we have been caring for rescued children. He always will be! But, the changing climates of national and international economies and health are still very concerning to us. This is because we must always seek to store up enough resources for our family’s future. This is because we love our children, the spiritual family that God has entrusted into our hands. Just like the families in Tanana, we also want to be able to provide for our children in Peru.

In writing all the above, I would like to ask if you would help us bring in the stores of resources that we need for our kids in the city of Arequipa. Perhaps you have been blessed by God with some extra financial resources. If so, would you be willing to share some of them with our family in Peru? Perhaps you have access to other types of resources, such as networking. This will help us to get in contact with people who not only can, but who will actually help us – such as a foundation, a trust, a church or synagogue, a civic organization, or a business or???

What would you say if Child Protective Services calls you and asks you if you would be willing to receive an 11-year-old girl along with her month and a half infant baby? This baby is not her little sister. It is her own baby. We received that call just recently. We said “Yes”. But, assuring the rescue of these two “Babies” in addition to all the other children and teens in our home means that we must continue to fill our storerooms. Thank you for considering helping our family!

Please tell others about us. Please consider sending this newsletter to family and friends who you know may be interested in helping our children in one way or another. Above all, please pray to our kid’s Heavenly Father that He will continue to open avenues of help and provision for these special girls.

For more information about us, you may find us at  Non Profit Organization to Save Children in Peru (rhintl.org) 

If you would like to make a donation, you may make it at Donate | Restoring Hope International Foundation – Restoring Children (rhintl.org) 

Thank you very much for your thoughtful consideration of what are some very neat kids in Peru!

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This Year’s Passover Seder Dinner

Every year, Passover is a very special day and week for us. It requires days of planning that involves the entire family. And this year was no exception. The only difference? I was not able to be there in person to conduct the ceremony, which is both long, fun, and delicious! It is a celebration of the birth of Israel from whom our Messiah and Savior arrived into our world. It commemorates not only the birth of our faith, but also how all this points to the future to the coming of Messiah and the freedom from the slavery of sin and internal bondages that mankind carries from day to day. What good news!

As all of us have had to do during COVID, we had to be a little imaginative to make this special dinner ceremony possible. For us, we did it all via Skype. It worked perfectly! One nice option with Skype is that I was able to project my computer screen onto the big screen TV we have on the dining room wall at our home in Arequipa. This allowed me to present my PowerPoint Seder presentation. It worked great as you can see in the below photos. One photo is of our kids and of some guests. The other is of me (taken from our TV in Arequipa), conducting the Seder from my own home, west of Phoenix, Arizona.

New Van Now a Reality for Us!

We are so happy to announce that our campaign to raise funding to purchase a new van for our growing family in Arequipa was a success! Yes, the kids are all getting bigger and we can’t squeeze as many of them into our current red van as before!

Our hope is to purchase a Toyota van like the one in the below photo. In Peru, we call them a “Buffalo” because of their larger size. Now that we have all the needed funds, Peru has none in stock. We are awaiting a ship from Japan, set to arrive this month, to see if there are any available for us on board. If there are none, then we will go and see what Nissan, Ford, or Peugeot have available once I get back down to Arequipa at the end of this month of April.

The other brands are nice, too. But, Toyota is the brand we had set our mind to purchase. Let’s see what transpires.

I do want to thank all of you who have pitched in to make this a reality for us. Truly, I thank you! With our now 18 girls, including Luigi, plus staff, we have upwards of 23 people or more to transport when we go out on a special outing or to a special event. It will still take both vans. But, we will no longer have to go out onto the street to look for taxis and cram a bunch of bodies into them in order to get from Point A to Point B.

Why not purchase a bus instead? Too big, too much of a fuel burn, expensive maintenance, and nowhere to park it in the subdivision that we live in. Our neighbors would probably protest and we want to be good neighbors back to them. Additionally, this new van will suit our purposes just fine!

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