Idaho and Oklahoma pass legislation banning state-sanctioned racism in public schools.

This week, we have achieved a series of historic victories in the fight against critical race theory. In the wake of our activism and investigative reporting, state legislators in Idaho and Oklahoma have passed bills banning critical race theory indoctrination in public schools. The laws will prevent school districts from promoting race essentialism, collective guilt, and neo-segregation—in sum, it will stop state-sanctioned racism in the classroom.

This is a massive shift in momentum. Last year on Tucker Carlson, I declared a “one-man war” against critical race theory in public institutions. Today, we have built an army of families, parents, writers, lawyers, activists, and legislators fighting together to defeat this divisive and anti-American ideology. Governor Ron DeSantis, Senator Tim Scott, Senator Tom Cotton, and Senator Ted Cruz have all spoken out in support of our cause.

Idaho and Oklahoma have led the way, and other states are soon to follow. We have live bills in another half-dozen state legislatures and we hope that the largest red states will pass them in the coming months.

We are winning the war against critical race theory. If you want to help build the momentum, please consider making a $5 or $10 monthly contribution here. Onward. 

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