Pastor Joe Aymond and his wife, Heather  are  very good friends of mine. I have sat in their living room and spoke in their congregation. I love these people and what they are doing down in the bible belt. At times I feel like Pastor Joe is mouthing about 98% of what I think…it’s uncanny! Such was the case Saturday 05-15-2021. As I sat in front of my computer listening to Out Of Ashes Ministries Shabbat Service (Which I do most Saturdays) I was ecstatic listening to what Joe shared. His opening statement concerning Israel I absolutely concur and applaud. For me (and a few others that I have spoken with) this was a poignant message, difficult for some perhaps but, outstanding to me!

    Pesach 50’s Style (2021)

The message Joe gives begins after the time of worship or at 32.54 minutes into the service via the YOUTUBE video. For those of you who are adding to your faith the restoration of the Torah of Almighty GOD, which is from the beginning [His Instructions] Pastor Joe’s  message may cause a paradigm shift in your biblical sense of obligation…..If you have one to begin with (?) For those who have this growing sense of knowing more about Israel, welcome to the biblical revival that is going on now for many years. The “Movement” is of GOD, not a new religion or division.

For the record and personally, I prefer to be recognized as a person studying to be a naturalized citizen of the Kingdom of GOD here in the earth. Its a Kingdom thing to me, not a religious thing! I study what GOD taught Israel to do not what the church fathers raised up in place of those instructions

Please keep Israel in steadfast prayer. Rockets are reigning down on her country and their military is retaliating (like any country would, duh?)





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