Back when I coached football, I’d tell my players that “life is 10 percent what happens to you, and 90 percent how you respond to it.” It was a way to get them to focus on themselves and on the things they could control — and also to get them to understand that they were ultimately the authors of their own destinies. It didn’t mean they weren’t on a team: football isn’t a game for committed individualists. It did mean, though, that when events unfolded — when they found themselves far downfield and wide open, or when they found themselves knocked flat by linemen twice their size — the measure of themselves revealed itself in the very next moment. You don’t know a player by what’s done to him. You know him by what he does.
It’s a lesson America could use right about now.
That is why I am stepping up to serve as Chairman of the America First Policy Institute’s Center for 1776, a center dedicated to uniting the American People through a renewed understanding of America’s founding principles.
Read my Op-Ed about Fighting for a Pro-America, America in Fox News here. Watch the video below to learn more.

We could not do this without the support of the American people from coast to coast.
The America First Policy Institute’s Center for 1776 will work hard to advocate for and execute the implementation of policies that promulgate a historically accurate, pro-American curriculum across the United States and advance the ideals upon which our nation was founded – JOIN US.
For America First, Always.
Coach Lou Holtz,
Chairman, Center for 1776
America First Policy Institute
P.S. – Learn more about our new Center for 1776 here and how we will fight for this country and advance policies that disseminate a historically accurate, pro-American curriculum across the United States.