Safe Spaces, Triggers, Social Justice, Culture Appropriation, Identity Politics, Systemic Racism, Global Warming, Gender Bianary……………

Give me a Freaking Break!

Woke = Living Dead!


In the last days the government will tell people to live stupid, think stupid, and follow stupid! In Western Washington State, the people follow stupid like dominioes falling.

Common sense combined with critical thinking and Godly wisdom created a country called America. Now the government has become like all of the rest of world history…trying to enslave the citizens while the “woke folks” are orgasmic at the possibilty of this actually happening!

For those who are comfortably watching the government become dictatorish…Your days of comfort are ending!

Source: Patriots Informed

Legal Resouces To Fight Covid Mandates 9/14/21

If you are facing a vaccine or mask mandate, here is a list of Legal Resources that may be able to help you. While many may feel they have no choice but to submit to the mandates, this is simply not true! Learn the law and your rights and seek help. The following links are rich with resources to equip you for your fight. Many have names of attorneys in your state that will offer assistance.

Rentz Law and America’s Frontline Doctors have forged the way with lawsuits and by pulling together a legal team to fight at the national level.

In Washington State, OneWashigntonInformedChoice WA and the Pacific Justice Institute have worked tirelessly helping people with exemptions.

The following video is the Vaccine Mandate Exemption Workshop presented by OneWashington. It will take you step by step on how to fill out a Religious Exemption for the vaccine.


From Patriots Informed

“Rock Harbor Church compiled the following list. Unfortunately, I was unable to find more about them to give them proper credit.”

1. Liberty Counsel

2. First Liberty Institute

3. Pacific Justice Institute

4. Advocates For Faith and Freedom

5. Alliance Defending Freedom

6. National Legal Foundation

7. Thomas More Law Center

8. Thomas More Society

9. Christian Legal Society

10. American Center for Law and Justice

11. Center for Law and Religious Freedom

12. Christian Attorneys of America

13. Christian Law Association

14. National Association of Christian Lawmakers

15. Pacific Legal Foundation


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