To the Mom’s and Dads, to Grandma and Grandpa, to Teachers & Home Schoolers

Dec 16, 2021 | Craig Ryhne, News and Opinion

If we don’t teach them the folks trying to make sure they don’t know our true American history and civil liberties…!


Announcing – Teacher and Student Workbooks for the 20-session course. Accurate History!
Right now, our country is in a state of political unrest. A battle is being waged to overthrow our economic policies, our culture, and our political system. Families and friends who once showed each other love and compassion are now showing resentment and hostility— all in the name of politics.
But there is hope!
The Freedom Education Foundation believes in the fundamentals that this great country was founded on, including free enterprise capitalism. It is our mission to provide curriculum that contains accurate history in order to heal our political divisions and bring our country back together as one.
That’s why we have spent the last five years working with a prestigious group of teachers, historians, and writers to develop a 20-session course we call FreedomCivicsTM.
The course comprehensively covers the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, and the U.S. Constitution (including the Bill of Rights and Amendments 11 to 27).
This course is perfect for children and grandchildren and for high school and college students. We need to get this course into as many homes and classrooms as fast as we can.
Will you help us get this urgently needed course into our schools?
We are launching FreedomCivics across the country and we need to raise $87,000 in order to finish the initial printing, as well as to establish an efficient distribution and fulfillment process. Pete and Seth Talbott (Talbott Group, known for “Relief Factor”) are in charge of our marketing.
Your tax-deductible donation will go a long way to help us reach students and families across America.
Together, we can save our youth from misinformation and guide them back to the original values that made America the greatest nation in the world. Please be generous by joining in the battle for truth in schools. To donate or to order the Teacher [$39.95] and Student [$29.95] workbooks, go to
Sincerely yours,
Craig Rhyne, President
Freedom Education Foundation, Inc.
Cell: (206) 719-6368
P.S. We will send you a Student Workbook for a new donation of $250 or more. If you donate $500 or more, we will also send you the Teacher Workbook.
“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” (800) 333-3455
Freedom Education Foundation | Post Office Box 6, Bellevue, WA 98009 (800) 333-3455

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