“People Are Going To Reject Your Biblical Conversation Immediately”

Jan 5, 2022 | Biblical, News and Opinion

When you read/consider this post, please recognize, I no longer see the Bible as a Christian story. I continue to learn about a Kingdom story! I see the Bible announcing the Kingdom of GOD in this place, through Israel.


A very dear friend of mine said to me, “Jeff, People are going to reject your biblical conversation immediately” Others have said to me, “Jeff, your too scholarly, you have to dumb it down a bit!” I was speaking with a Christian woman on Monday who said the following. “My Pastor said to our congregation recently that we have been teaching a horrible interpretation of scripture for over 1500 years!”

I was sharing with her what I talk about concerning my “Biblical Conversation.”

To my surprise she stated this is the sort of stuff our pastor is now talking about. I chuckled because I hear this often when folks challenge the status quo of the last 1200+ years. (I hope to meet her pastor in due time 🙂

I recall an elderly, southern, black, very strong Christian, gentleman several years ago calling me to say how I had “Lost my mind with all this Torah and Jewish stuff!” I can only remember that  his first name was Willie. He called me a few weeks later saying, “My Pastor started teaching us about the Festivals of the LORD” and is sharing a lot of what you been, “Talkin bout, Sir!” He apologized saying, “I have never heard any of this stuff before, it makes so much more sense about what Jesus was doing!” My first website was called “Hearing and Obeying” that’s where Willie came to call me from.

My mother’s pastor of over 40 years patronized me when I gave to him a ton of information back when visiting in Rochester, NY. He called me two years later apologizing saying that he stood before his congregation affirming that what he had been teaching for for nearly 50 years was flawed! My family back home confirmed his statement. A very large congregation experience a bit of a church decline as a result of their Pastor teaching the Hebraic reality of the gospels and “Old Testament”

My friends, Pastor Joe Aymond and Kyle Slyvest  of Out of Ashes Ministries, way down yonder (DeRidder LA) sort of knock my “Biblical Conversation” out of the “Ball Park” I get what they are talking about as though it were another layer of my skin! I hope you watch this so that you have a better understanding of my “Biblical Conversation” and “Scholarly” mindset (?)  I have never quite understood folks saying I am “Too Scholarly” …….?

GOD is continually trying to restore us back to what exactly…..?


I love this book by Iain Provan: Seriously Dangerous Religion

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1 Comment

  1. Brady Vaughn

    I look forward to the day that this begins to be understood by the masses.


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