Hey everyone, forwarding information to act on!
Hello Fellow Americans OPPOSE these 3 items NOW. (By the time your read this, these bill will have snuck out of committee and will move to a floor vote.) Took me only TWO MINUTES.

HB 1851: Expands a Women’s Ability to Get an Abortion
1. Click HERE to enter your OPPOSITION.
2. Select: Comment on this bill (on the right).
3. Put in your personal information.
4. Select: Verify District.
5. Select your senator and representatives. (I select all three.)
6. Select: OPPOSE
7. Leave a brief comment. Here’s mine: “Abortion stops a beating heart and it is murder. Shame on Washington!”
8. Select: Send Comment
9. Go back to email
HB 5554: Allow for Local Income TAX
1. Click HERE to enter your OPPOSITION.
2. Select: Comment on this bill (on the right).
3. Put in your personal information.
4. Select: Verify District.
5. Select your senator and representatives. (I select all three.)
6. Select: OPPOSE
7. Leave a brief comment. Here’s mine: “We do not need more taxes! Our government needs to learn to budget with the money they already receive from its citizens. More money is not the answer.”
8. Select: Send Comment
9. Go back to email.
HB 1918: TAX Outdoor Equipment
1. Click HERE to enter your OPPOSITION.
2. Select: Comment on this bill (on the right).
3. Put in your personal information.
4. Select: Verify District.
5. Select your senator and representatives. (I select all 3.)
6. Select: OPPOSE
7. Leave a brief comment. Here’s mine: “No more taxes! Protecting the environment should not be an easy excuse for taxing its citizens. This will hurt small businesses in our state..”
8. Select: Send Comment
Now, forward this email to at least 2 more people. 😁Extra Credit: GET YOUR FRIENDS’ AND RELATIVES’ PERMISSION AND RECORD THEIR POSITION AS WELL.
YOU ARE NOT LIMITED TO ONE COMMENT PER EMAIL ADDRESS! I always record my husband’s position too.