“What You Talkin Bout” Larry Elder?

Nov 13, 2020 | News and Opinion

I was talking with my youngest brother about Larry Elder’s documentary, “Uncle Tom” when he reminded that Elder was a judge on a TV show, huh?. I had seen this show years ago but had never made the connection to Larry Elder, the talk show host and radio personality. It never occurred to me that Judge Larry Elder was the same Larry Elder that I listen to, almost daily at 3:00 PM on 1590 The Answer (Salem Communications) out of Seattle, WA. I actually had a short, lived show on the same channel several years ago. I eventually went to theĀ  internet due to cost, much cheaper but, I digress!

I met Mr. Elder several months ago in Seattle as a matter of fact. He was to give a talk which I was not going to miss! I have known about Larry Elder, the libertarian for years (except the judge thing). I had never really listened to him or been a so called, fan. About two years ago while driving, his show came on the radio, I decided to listen to the program. While listening Larry was recalling information that he had gleaned over the years as if he was Mr. Google himself. His command of information, factual information was quite impressive. I agreed with and knew quite abit about what he was sharing. The subject matter was historical slavery, the truth. I became a fan that day nearly two years ago if memory serves me correct.

When I met Larry Elder, speaking with him I felt a sense of relief. We were on the same page, although I am more conservative at my core, I connected to this man as though he were family. After ordering and watching Uncle Tom, the folks in the film were telling my story of the last 43 years. I sat, in my living room with tears flowing down my face, just ask my wife, it’s true! Finally, black Americans who were not part of what I call have termed, THE PLANTATION NATION were being presented with dignity, intelligence, common sense and honesty. Being an Uncle Tom is becoming a badge of honor, how ironic!. You see, we are not products of the slave trade but rather Freedom. Our story begins with America, not slavery and certainly not the year 1619, Nuff Said!

You really should check out Larry Elder if you are an American who happens to be black and not tied to Al Sharpy, Jesse Jokeson and Maxine Witchpoo!

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