I will have a discussion with Pastor Joe Aymond (https://outofashesministries.org) on Saturday morning Live on their YOUTUBE channel and their Facebook Channel as well as their website (Live) link.8:00 AM Pacific-11:00 AM Eastern [Check your time zones] I will be sharing on appreciating the Biblical writers more
and how we can have a greater appreciation for who we are today because of them.

I hopefully, will better explain my thoughts of Kingdom politics and why American politics matter
Hope you join in ~8:00AM Pacific~


Also, the merchandise page is now up I will add more material in the coming days (Thanks KT Graphics)
Your purchases support the entire thing that I do
Thanks (I have two orders already)

Having a great time in DeRidder, LA
(I have never seen, up close, the aftermath of Hurricane damage until now. The tops of trees are gone everywhere. Crazy!

Just Click The Pics

LifeWave Patches


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