Black woman calls ‘Rush Limbaugh Show’ with message for her community: America, police, white people are not our problem, ‘We are our problem!’

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April 23, 202

A black woman called into the “Rush Limbaugh Show” Thursday to deliver a passionate message to fellow black Americans, urging them to disavow the victim mentality that blames white people, systemic racism, and police for all the problems in the black community.

What did she say?

The caller, who identified herself as Joyce from Houston, began the segment by commenting on the conclusion of the Derek Chauvin trial. She said that while she believed Chauvin, a former Minneapolis police officer, should be held responsible for his role in George Floyd’s death, she was convinced he could not get a fair trial.

On Tuesday, a 12-person jury in Minneapolis pronounced Chauvin guilty of murder and manslaughter for his actions, which included kneeling on Floyd’s neck for more than nine minutes despite Floyd’s complaints of “I can’t breathe.”

Joyce didn’t stay on the subject of the trial for very long, however, but instead quickly transitioned into a plea to the black community to stop blaming others for the problems that routinely plague black Americans. “I am so sick and tired of this ‘systemic racism,'” Joyce exclaimed. “There are no organized conspiracies to keep blacks down. There are pockets of bigotry for sure. But they’re not powerful enough to keep you down if you have some get-up-and-go about yourself.

“And I hear this constantly. I live in the most dangerous neighborhood in Houston, the sixth in the nation, and we constantly talk about racism. ‘Who is keeping us down?'” she continued. “I get so tired of telling my people, ‘The old rich white Republicans [are] not our problem. We are our problem’ — and until we face the fact that we are our own worst enemies, nothing is gonna change!” Joyce then lamented the number of black Americans in her community who have been assaulted and murdered, but who have not received any attention from politicians or the media. But everyone knows Floyd’s name, she said, taking a dig at Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee. “Ask my congresswoman, Sheila Jackson Lee,” if she knows their names, Joyce suggested, then claiming that Lee would not be able to recite their names. “But I tell you one thing, she sure know about Floyd,” she said.

(Joyce’s comments begin at the 1:03:44 mark in the widget posted below.)

What else?

Joyce then challenged the notion that America is fundamentally racist and an inherently dangerous place for people of color. “I have traveled out of this country several times and I want to say to the blacks [that are] listening that you’re so angry and you come up with this fake racism and every scene. That’s not our problem. There’s no better place for us, and you’re gonna sit here and allow people to use you as pawns to mess up what’s best for you today,” she said. “There is no better place for us, and I am tired of you blaming someone else.

“In our community, one of the main reasons that these young people are getting shot and killed, [is] because they didn’t have — and especially these young black men — they didn’t have no dads in the home,” she argued. Joyce then recalled something she often heard from fellow black Americans during former President Barack Obama’s time in the Oval Office. “When Obama was in the White House, all in my community just, ‘Oh, we are so blessed! We have a black man in the White House,'” she remembered. “I said, ‘We need to a black man in the black house!'” referring to fatherless black kids. Instead of being taught to respect authority by their fathers, too many young black kids are taught from a young age to hate the police, she argued.

“There are few bad policemen, but basically the policeman is out there to do a job to protect us,” Joyce said. “And I get so tired of, ‘Oh, they arrest more blacks than they do whites.’ Well, hell, we do more crime! So what are they gonna do, just let us go?”

“We have got to change,” she concluded.

Free From Fear salutes Joyce! Thank You Joyce!

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