I won’t use Go Fund Me anymore! However, I found out about GIVESENDGO.COM as a result of the Canadian Truckers

Click Here to give a gift to the Porter family (Thank You)


       Trust in the LORD with all thy heart, And lean not upon thine own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5)


I finally met Kim Porter’s adult daughters while visiting the family down in Beaverton, Oregon. Kim’s daughters flew in from Arizona, her father and her mother were soon to follow. On this occasion I drove down to visit after they (Kim)  made the decision to stop treatment of the breast cancer. Once I arrived and saw the condition of my wonderful, beautiful friend…I had to step outside quickly, I was overwhelmed. James joined me outside and began sharing with me the recent weeks he and Kim have experienced.


Of course he and I talk on the phone frequently. James was billowing out the difficulty the process of fighting the cancer. Eventually, I stopped him to ask, ‘James, how are you doing?’ He collapsed in my arms in front of his home and sobbed! This is tough stuff my friends! Watching a vibrant couple suffer through a totally unexpected turn of events shortly after marriage. Not to mention two unplanned pregnancies. They took steps to avoid becoming pregnant (That’s their story to share not mine) Nevertheless, two beautiful little girls are born (Pictured)


James and Kim have battled the breast cancer over 3 years now. The outcome has not improved Kim’s chances of beating this illness. The cancer is now moved into her brain and throughout her body. As they prepare for the days ahead especially with regard to the two young girls I am once again asking for the praying people, the generous people and strangers to help financially shore up the family by giving!


Kim’s elder daughters live in Arizona. I saw first hand how much they love their Mom. The new life Kim found with James caused her to relocate to Oregon. I found out how difficult this was for the elder daughters. Their lives growing up was difficult due to a father who was not a good man. The daughters shared quite a bit about the years they struggled and what they saw their Mom go through. (Again, that’s their story to share.) I was familiar with quite a few of the details prior to meeting these women. What I enjoyed about all three of them is how much they have missed their mom and how much they love her. The family does not have the sort of financial ability to move through these difficult days with ease. This is a tough, difficult, and emotional time for everyone especially with the daughters (and their lives) living apart from their Mom as she had made the decision to stop all treatment.


Kim is now on Hospice while James does what needs to be done. His employer has been amazing as he takes care of Kim and their two daughters. Sure he has help from time to time but mostly its just him! He is faced with raising his two daughters without their mother. This is certainly not what he envisioned the day they married nearly eight years ago!


To insert my own thoughts about all of this…well, this is gut wrenching for me!! Nothing in my life currently has my insides torn to pieces…Please help my buddy and his family move through the days ahead with a bit of financial support and relief (From the depth of my spirit, thank you!)

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