I have been vehemently against the covid vaccinations from day one. I started listening to and researching opposing sciences from well-known and well-respected virologists around the globe. When I learned about the spike protein from Professor Christina Parks and what it does, I was heartbroken for those vaccinated! Moreover, learning about other scientists who were being shut down from voicing alarming concerns was jaw dropping for me. Why are these well-known, well-respected individuals being shunned? The powers that controlled the media, the social media and governments around the world were grouped together against the opposing sciences and scientists. This was unprecedented to me.

Then people started dying from the vaccines. These deaths are even today muted or not reported. Famous people are now gone due to myocardial problems. The folks that I was researching warned about this. Furthermore, I was hearing the same people sharing that the vaccines will cause the virus to mutate within the body producing more powerful, deadly strains that shut down the immune system. Really, is this truly happening.

I started supporting America’s Front-Line Doctors because they were an organized group sharing, warning even to not get vaccinated. This has been a three years that I have followed the sciences against the covid vaccinations.

Pubmed articles are now piling up about the deaths caused from taking the jab

Professor Byram Bridle “We Made A Big Mistake”

Geert Vanden Bossche

Is Geert’s Deadly Prediction About to Come True? (Click Here

Dr. Robert Malone   Please consider what is shared here


“Vaccination Expert” Dr. Alfredo Victoria Dies Suddenly At 42

Vocal advocate of the Covid mRNA vaccines, dies in his sleep. In excellent health, with no pre-existing medical conditions (Click Here)



The pharmaceutical companies, the CDC and the NIH are earning billions from the vaccines. And as I wrote to you previously, it is well known that medical crony capitalist Anthony Fauci has profited untold millions. 

It was many years in the making, and Fauci has been a central figure since the ‘80s. A brief history lesson of Covid and the vaccine will tell you everything you need to know:

  • In 1965, scientists discovered the coronavirus and began to modify it by studying it in animals.
  • In 1990, Pfizer created the first spiked protein vaccine based on these animal experiments. Pfizer quickly learned the vaccine did not work because the coronavirus was malleable. It modifies and mutates too rapidly for a vaccine to be effective. These findings were cited in many major publications.
  • In 2002, the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill patented an “infectious replication defective” clone of the coronavirus. In plain speak, “a bioweapon.” This patent was based on research funded by Anthony Fauci and only granted after the CDC intervened and pressured the patent office.
  • In 2005, the scientific community labeled the coronavirus a “biowarfare enabling technology.”
  • In 2015, a statement from the National Academy of Sciences reveals one of the true objectives of the vaccines: PROFIT.
    • It read: “To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, we need to increase the public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures, such as the pan-influenza, or pan-coronavirus, vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issue. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.”
  • In 2019, Moderna received a patent for a vaccine that included the statement “for the accidental or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen” – something that did not exist at the time.
  • In 2023, The US Congress discovered an additional and unreported $2 million in research funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. This funding was again transferred indirectly through EcoHealth Alliance, Fauci’s favorite partner for hiding illegal funding of gain-of-function research.
  • Since 2005, well over $10 billion has been funneled to research institutions at the direction of Fauci and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to ILLEGALLY fund gain-of-function research and the development of the mRNA vaccines.

COVID-19 virus was engineered in a lab. So were the COVID-19 shots – and with patents preceding the virus.

What came first, the chicken or the egg? The manufactured virus or the manufactured treatment? Was the creation of COVID-19 designed to sell a treatment?

This system of manipulation and betrayal from the revolving door of Big Pharma and three-letter government health agencies (NIH, CDC, FDA …) goes beyond brazenly disregarding the health and welfare of the American people … these are crimes against humanity!

America’s Frontline Doctors are your eyes and ears for what has and is transpiring with the vaccines.

We will alert you to the lies and disinformation and provide you with fact-based data so you can make informed decisions.

Together, we will hold Fauci and the Science Swamp accountable for a deadly vaccine that does nothing to protect you from Covid!

I am donating $30 to America’s Frontline Doctors

I am donating $50 to America’s Frontline Doctors

I am donating $100 to America’s Frontline Doctors

I am donating $1000 to America’s Frontline Doctors>>

The battle is just beginning. Stay tuned!

For Liberty,

Simone Gold, MD, JD
Founder & President
America’s Frontline Doctors
The Trusted Name for Independent Information

P.S. – If you haven’t yet signed our petition to arrest Tony Fauci, I encourage you to do so today. A 100,000-signature petition is an undeniable call for action in response to pandemic lies!

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