Hebrew Meanings 10 Names in Genesis

Hebrew Meanings 10 Names in Genesis

Thirty days before I met Pastor Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries GOD answered a nine year old desperate prayer verbally. I had always wondered why church pastors would inevitably articulate, “The Jews did not get it” referring to Jesus and then proceed...
A Prayer For Donald J Trump

A Prayer For Donald J Trump

Abba, Father, Thank you for your governance over all of your creation We acknowledge You as Sovereign over all and thank You beyond mere words for the covenants that You have revealed to all of humanity through Am-Israel. Your providence is without question in the...
World View or Biblical View

World View or Biblical View

During my conversation with Jorge Ramos he made this statement, “I was gobbled up by the culture.” He also stated (Paraphrasing) that he was more involved with a world view, ie “Liberal Perspective” saying, “Most of my friends were...
I “Chesed” Bill Cloud

I “Chesed” Bill Cloud

I am going to Tennessee for PURIM (I have never been to Tennessee) John 5 “After this there was a feast of the Jews; and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.” “Most people are unaware of this, but Jesus celebrated the feast of Purim! In John 5, the Lord Jesus...