Out Of Ashes Ministries

Out Of Ashes Ministries

I met Pastor Joe Aymond a few years ago. He actually reached out to me having listened to our Podcast, “Returning To Eden” with Dr. Dinah Dye and myself. Over the course of time and many conversations with Joe, a long distance friendship was born with he...
Professor Ian Provan = Critical Thought

Professor Ian Provan = Critical Thought

Moses was not writing to YOU and the folks who put his manuscripts together weren’t either. Nevertheless, GOD was! Would it not be in the best interest of all of us to journey back into their culture and have a look see? Meet Professor Iain Provan Iain Provan...
Creating Time, Not Seven Days

Creating Time, Not Seven Days

The ingauration of the Temple of Israel by  King Solomon was 7 days long. In fact, most temples of the ancient world we ceremoniously seven days long or longer (when officilally dedicated) and often represented the place where the gods dwelt. The seat of most...
What Was Moses Thinking?

What Was Moses Thinking?

Why on earth would we not want to be in the mind of Moses, or Shaul when attempting to understand the biblical writers?  I was driving professor John Walton of Wheaton College to the airport. I asked a theological question to which John responded, “Jeff, I am...